Recovery Partners
Experts in Subrogation Recovery
Recovery Partners is a nationally licensed Collection Agency. We are experts in subrogation recovery. We initiate a proactive and professional approach that produces results without confusion or complaints.

Our core areas of expertise are Auto, Property, Workers Compensation, UM, Health Plans, and Restitution. Our clients recognize us for being easy to work with, we can integrate with most document management systems, we proactively communicate on all levels, and we are able to collect more money than our competitors without generating complaints that create extra work for our clients.
We work most claims manually, this allows us to uncover any detail that has been missed during the previous process. We separate all of our client's business into collector groups, this allows us to follow unique client focused processes. We train our collectors on specific claim types, this allows for expert level knowledge. We manually skip trace each file, this allows us to maximize our communication possibilities.
Rigorous information security controls, including SSAE 18 Audited and Compliant. Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) Certification, and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) compliance. Our systems allow flexibility for an ever-changing regulatory landscape.

Who we are?
Recovery Partners is a nationally licensed collection agency that provides subrogation collection services to property and casualty carriers, MGA’s, TPA’s, self-insureds, and health plans. Recovery Partners’ techniques, technology, and trained professionals execute client specific processes to maximize performance, compliance, and data security.
See what our customers say
"Recovery Partners collection performance is outstanding. It is easy working with Recovery Partners. Everything I need is on their website and if there is anything else I need, someone is always available to help me. Recovery Partners has changed with us over the years, I would recommend Recovery Partners to any company."
Current Customer
"Ease of doing business is one of our top priorities when working with vendors, which is why we use Recovery Partners. They are always flexible when it comes to meeting our needs while consistently delivering great results."
Current Customer
Licenses, Memberships and Certifications

Consumer Contact
Recovery Partners is here to help. Use the information below to contact us.
Phone: (833) 416-7946
Recovery Partners
PO Box 6318
Hermitage, PA 16148-0923